Finally we have a beautiful weather in the UK :) it's like an amazing present for my name day :)) hurray me ;)
I'm starting my official countdown to exams - only 6 days to first 2 exams T.T I'm happy & scared. It's weird but whatevaaaaaaa :)
My dad said I should just stop worrying about exams. marks good or bad can't change main hobbies and dreams :) It doesn't mean that I'm not gonna revise materials :) I'll just go for exams with a smile, write them and then I'll have 20days for chillin' :)
Ohh, I almost forgot. I wanna show you guys something.
Now I can't stop listening to Lana's 'Dark Paradise':)
And last thing, there's a website I highly recommend. It's called . You can find there interesting articles, great picture, tutorials DIY made by polish teenager! Emma and lot of other interesting and inspirational things. Tavi Gevinson is a founder and editor-in-chief of Rookiemag. People mostly know Tavi cause of her blog
Just visit ROOKIEmag
Enjoy and have a nice day :)
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