
Domek z kart

Nie mogę zasnąć. Słucham Bullet for My Valentine i myślę. O wszystkim i o niczym. Tak naprawdę myślę po to żeby nie zasnąć a wiem, że potrzebuję snu. Obawiam się, że mój umysł zaserwuje mi emocjonalny bieg przez plotki pod postacią różnych dziwnych obrazów i nazwie to snem choć dla mnie będzie to koszmar.

Macie czasami takie wrażenie, że wasze życie, to co robicie, jest jak budowanie domku z kart?
Od kilkunastu dni budowałam swój domek. I tym razem łudziłam się, że dam radę go ukończyć i że przetrwa wszystko. Zapomniałam zamknąć okno i mały wietrzyk go zburzył. Upadł domek a wraz z nim złudne nadzieje.
Pocieszam się, że tym razem ja nie padłam razem z nim. Byłam głupia i naiwna sądząc, że dam radę. doping życzliwych na niewiele się zdał.

Chociaż może to i lepiej, że tak się skończyło? Może tak będzie lepiej dla mnie, dla wszystkich? Dziwna lekcja od losu, którą muszę przyjąć z pokorą?
W końcu nic nie zdarza się bez przyczyny. Karma's a bitch i wraca do nas czy tego chcemy czy nie.

Uczcie się na moich błędach. Nie budujcie domków z kart mając nadzieję, że nie upadną. Bo tak będzie. A im wyższy domek będzie, tym boleśniejszy upadek was czeka.
I nie mówcie, że nie ostrzegałam.

Karola xxx


music :D

Hello :)
how are my sweethearts? hope you had great Christmas guys :)

I was busy during the Christmas (like we all were :P) and today I had a day off. It feels really good- I mean sleepin' till 11 :p hah

I was speakin' to Matt about my epic txt of the year when reminding myself abt my bro's txt. Nana got films from Santa- Casablanca, Gone with the wind, Doctor Zhivago. and he said Oh, all the best with Marilyn. >.<
 (Nana's a big fan of M.Monroe) xD  pants on fire my dear brother xD

okay, here's new playlist :)

time for get some sleep. i'm acting weird. dunno what's goin' on but it's like being high and drunk xD really random and great mood :D
night night


Merry Christmas

May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, and throughout the year!
Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!



drunk Mayans

here we are. December 21st. we're alive. world didn't end. Mayans were drunk while creating their calendar xD
our new world starts today. we should make it beautiful, full of love and partying :P
here's my songs of the week :)
hope you enjoyed "the end of the world" :)
now enjoy videos. I know you need it guys :)






bonus track


 Bed is calling my name very loudly so I'm goin' babes. Because world didn't end I have to be at work 2moro :)

Love ya all ,





well today I watched the last episode of Gossip Girl.
for those who don't know- I'm a big fan. Read all books. Watched all episodes.
I cried like a baby 'cause it was the end of some stage.
now I feel free to become a young adult as GG's epic finale was a perfect ending of my teenage years.




tak sobie myślę, że utknęłam w karuzeli, która przyspiesza kiedy chcę wysiąść.
 kręci mi się w głowie, ale ostatecznie nie chcę jej zatrzymywać. nie wiem czemu. bo jest fajnie? bo w sumie czemu by sie jeszcze troche nie pokręcić?
ach głupiutka, naiwna ja..
tyle się dzieje, nie nadążam z przetwarzaniem informacji o wszystkim dookoła mnie.
za 40 dni pierwszy egzamin A2, potem dwie poprawki z As (trzeba poprawić 3 na 5 :P). do tego praca, zajęcia bieżące i mam nadzieje, że już zaczniemy prace nad naszym scenariuszem i trailerem :)
gdzieś po drodze święta i Sylwester ;)

ehhh karuzelo, proszę, zwolnij trochę. dostarczaj tych pozytywnych wrażeń, ale zwolnij. nie chce zakończyć przejażdżki rzygając jak kot....



I feel more than I should.
So many emotions closed in my head, in my body.
Don't know what to think, how to act.
You're my personal kryptonite.
Just tell me it's not a crime to feel what I feel. Tell me it's alright.....



I felt the need to post some songs abt love.

1. Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran

2. Iris - Goo Goo Dolls

3. Only Love- Ben Howard

4. Run- Snow Patrol


5. Lighting- The Wanted


 6. Broken- Amy Lee ft. Seether

7. Broken Strings - James Morrison ft. Nelly Furtado

8. When You're Gone - Avril Lavigne 

9. Thinking of You - Katy Perry


10. When I look at You - Miley Cyrus


"I wonder if I ever crossed your mind"

I'm addicted to Lady Antebellum's "Need You Now"
song is great, clip is good.

woulda coulda shoulda

Sometimes, when things seem to be falling apart, they're actually falling into place.
I don't know how long it will take before I'll understand everything but it's like I'm living in two separate worlds and have memories from both lifes.  It sounds ridiculous.... 
we're looking but we don't see, pretending there's nothing than air.
I tried and I will... but I don't know how long I'll be able to fight. 
So I stucked in the world of woulda coulda shoulda.... 
I hope till the end of the week things will move on and we with 'em.
I just don't wanna discover that your heart is unreliable.



First day as 20 wasn't so bad ;)
I'm 20, independent and it feels good :)
besides my gorgeous cousin, Aneta wrote this on my wall -

Note to everyone! Caroline is my Life! She is my little princess even tho she has just turned 20! She is beautiful, ingeligent, sexy, funny, gorgeous and just amazing and if you think different then you're either blind or stupid! I love her to pieces and if anyone ever hurts her I will find you, and kill you! Nuff said.
Thank you! :')
she's all I need, sister and the best friend in one. so yes, she made turning 20 much easier :) tomorrow we're going for a drink or two... maybe 5 :p :p :p

goodnight, Carol


My dear tomorrow...

Tomorrow is my last day as a teenager.
I spent last 20 years on breathing, growing up and achieving new skills.
My character is still developing and my life is now crazier than it was before. I'm not living a life of a rockstar (yet ;D )
but I'm moving on, trying to reach the sky.
I hope the next 20 years will be full of fun, happiness, laugh, partying, studying :P and dreams coming true.

Big thank you to all who made my life so great, who were with me for good and for bad but also to those who hurt me 'cause now I'm stronger.
Sorry to those who've been hurt by me.

Peace, love and rock'n'roll


Christmas shopping- checked

I like giving presents. Maybe more than receiving them.
But Christmas shopping just before Christmas is worse than a headache and ex-boyfriend who stalks you.
That's why I promised myself to buy all the presents before the end of November. Just two more and mission Christmas shopping horror will be completed:)
I bought Xmas cards as well. This year I'm sending funny ones ;)

I know pics are small but just double clic on a photo and you'll see larger version of it ;)



sometimes I hate myself...
Not only for creating barriers but also for being scared of something I shouldn't be.
It's late, I'm tired and I'm listening to sad songs. I should be sleepin' but I'm thinking about so many things.
believe me, tears are not helpful.
He knows and I'm scared because he doesn't want to find out why.
I'm trying to forget his name and face but I can't. Just simply can't....

Tequila would be helpful but I'm working tomorrow ;(


Syndrom wypalenia

Hej. Ostatnio nie mam weny, nie mogę skończyć pisać recenzji. Z jednej strony mam sporo nauki i roboty, a z drugiej czuje jakby ogarniała mnie mega nuda. Nawet czytanie książek nie sprawią mi takiej prZyjemności jak kiedyś. Co się ze mną dzieje? :(


Let the Skyfall When it crumbles

Cat Power- Keep on runnin'

Hi :) happy 12,001 pageviews :) thank you guys :*
yesterday we watched Skyfall. It was great. I highly recommend new Bond. 
He's done with Vesper and sentiments, tries get back to the best condition and even if his body fails, he's still smart and charming. We want to succumb his charm and take place of Severine or Eve.

nice scene in casino, Makau and I liked the scene in Shanghai when Bond follows the killer and kills him- using neon lights and darkness was nice. but you know, it's my opinion :)
I'll try to end my review for Saturday so I could provide more detailed opinion about the film :)

and Adele's theme song is great as well :)

I'm going do my Zumba exercises and work on my media coursework.
have a good night :)
 Carol xxxx

P.S. Today I was sayin' recipe instead of recipt and when I realized my mistake I felt like an idiot. :/


Nie ma to jak obudzić się na dźwięk budzika i uspokajać wszystkich dookoła, że to tylko alarm, że za dwie godziny trzeba wstać. Potem idziesz spać. A po 5minutach dochodzi do ciebie, że to był budzik na pobudkę a reszta była w śnie.


New Music List

Hi :)
my music list bar on the right side doesn't work - I can't add there new tracks :(
so I'm gonna post 'em as a normal post :)

Ben Howard-The wolves

Daughter- Candles

Don Broco- Hold on

Imagine Dragons- Amsterdam

Lana Del Rey - This is what makes us Girls

Soley- Pretty Face

Daughter- Landfill

The Maccabees - Child

Paramore- When It  Rains

 Jonathan Rhys Meyers- This Time

The Maccabees - Feel to Follow


dress -sponsored by Paulina

Hello sweethearts :)
sooooo, my friend have a dress for sale. :)
It's Motel from NEXT and you can find it on their site- http://www.next.co.uk/gl92020s2#l17219gl9
It's size S and she wanna sell it for £50   (Next's price is £55)

It's a very nice dress. Never worn- she just tried it 'cause she bought it through the website.

and if you're interested in buying the dress, please contact me through comments :)

Thank You :)



Yes, we bought candies for children.
yes, I was happy to hear sweet voices sayin' "trick or treat".
and yes, I'm a roman-catholic.

but I still can't understand how "our beloved" church in Poland says if you're celebrating Halloween, it's like being a satanist.
because Halloween is an old Celtic tradition, not a part of our catholic one (1st November -All Saints' Day)

I just can't understand how the Church is closed for other cultures and tries to say this is good but that is bad.
I never was good in understanding the Church. Priests don't have wives or children (in theory) and they still teach their precepts and views about planning a family, marriage etc.
I'm not an enemy. I'm just one of sheeps. But I'm a sheep who don't like to be deluding.

Take care guys
Carol xx



My awful week began.
Awful because I'm working for 10days. Day by day.
having no time for blogging, tweeting or studying (homework is waiting).
Well, at least views are pretty amazing. And cute. :3
In my hometown snow is everywhere.
Here's cold, windy and rainy.
have to live with that.
Greetings for Aneta. She's in Warsaw now.
Wish I could go to Poland with her ;<
Have a nice day guys :D

Carol xoxo


deliberate week....

This week was very, hmm.... deliberate? It was like half-term break approached me with deliberate steps. I'm not even sure if it's correct (grammatically etc)............
I was listening to sad music, love songs and other weird things.... (btw not all of 'em are here)
Applause for the newest music list, please.

Hope You'll like it.
xxx, Carol


is Buka at home?

My last week was hard and weird and it was like falling down. But without meeting the ground.
I couldn't stop eating Doritos and watching movies. I wanted to cry but I drained my tears stores.
Yup girls, period came to the town...
I love October because CWtv starts running their shows. Arrow took The Secret Circle's place and looks like it's gonna be a good show; TVD's new series will be the best one, believe me - 'cause of Damon, vampires, Damon, excitement&sexual tension and Damon;)
Oh, and it's last season of Gossip Girl. Like the last,last, forever! it has only 10 episodes but as we know, GG  equals perfection (at least in terms of fashion;D )
and you can't miss the new season of Glee on Fox. Great songs, great arrangements and many surprises.
I'm off to bed now. Have a goodnight, sweethearts
Carol xxxx


very long "tomorrow"

 SO :) You are God was really good. Klaudia had to fly to the UK to see it xd and it was my first time in the english cinema and I went to see polish movie >.< ;)
I wanted to write more abt it but media writes about Paktofonika and You are God everyday. Because film is popular& PFK was and still is popular.

Hohoho, Taken 2 :3 we had fun but still 1st part is my fave 1 ;)

I'm off to bed guys, it was  A VERY LONG day...

Yes, I know. I'm an awful person.
Last week I said I'll post photos "tomorrow" and it's the longest tomorrow in my life :P
Sorry guys. I was busy. Klaudia was flying back to Poland on Tuesday and I wanted to spent as much time with her as I could. It was great by the way.
So today I'll post photos. Pinky promise.
And I'll write about our trip to the cinema. And yesterday I went to the cinema too. With my brother. Taken 2is great. Gonna write abt that evening too.

So heads up. No worries.
Love you all.
More than 10,000 views :3 you're amazing.
Xxx Carol


Powiedzmy sobie szczerze, każdy z nas ma takie chwile, sytuacje kiedy wszystko sie rozwala, damages are bigger than costs. I co dalej? siedziec, plakac i zamykac się przed światem?
Wygrywa ten kto bezkarnie zmierza po trupach do celu a przegrany pozwala przejsc po swoich pleckach, bo co innego mu pozostało?
kiedyś ktos powiedział coś, ale jakoś się udało wszystko poskładac do kupy. cudem, ale sie udało.
Ja wiem i rozumiem, że nastolatki mają różne problemy od mam małe cycki, nie mam ich wcale przez znowu dostałem pałe, laska mnie olewa, do nie mam po co życ, cały świat ssie i tak dalej.
Ale spójrzmy prawdzie w oczy. To my tworzymy te nasze małe i duże problemy. (Te ogromne zazwyczaj funduje nam życie)
Chcesz byc szczupła, schudnij. Chcesz się z nim umówic, zagadaj do niego. Marzy ci sie piątka z testu, poucz się.  Czy tak cięzko to pojąc?
Wydaje nam sie, że cały świat jest przeciwko nam, rodzice nas nie rozumieją a tak naprawdę to my nie rozumiemy siebie i mamy zbyt wysokie oczekiwania wobec wszystkich dookoła, ale wobec samych siebie juz nie. Wychowujemy siebie na paniczyków i księżniczki, z którymi potem inni muszą się użerać. Zupelnie jakbyśmy nie znali granic chociaż dorosli uczą nas ich od małego.
Nie wiem czy my tak cięzko jarzymy czy nasze społeczństwo zamienia sie w ludzi z papką budyniu zamiast mózgu. Media piorą nam mózgi, my to kupujemy i potem nasze oczekiwania są wyższe od Empire State Building.
No bo serio, czy to wszystko jest jakąś z cyklu kiwniju palcem a nagroda się pojawi? Chciałabym.... Serio. Kto by nie chcial.
Kiedys mało mnie obchodziło całe te dążenie do celu z pełnym nastawieniem na wygraną. Brałam co mi życie dawało i starałam się jakoś z tym przeżyc. Najwyżej kiedy dostałam szanse, ale ryzyko było zbyt duże, odwracałam się plecami i pocieszałam resztkami ze stołu przyjemnego życia.
Co za ironie, c'nie?
Kurcze sama już nie wiem co i jak. A z pewnościa co jest ze mą nie tak. Raz jest mega dzień, wszystko mi sie udaje  apotem wszystko rujnuje, bo fajnie jest powiedziec, że życie ssie.
Nie skończe jak moralna ulicznica.
Może życie ssie, ale jesli juz to emo smutasów i innych zbyt ślamazarnych na ryzyko.
Tak jest. Głowa do góry, cycki do przodu, Carol 2.0 nadchodzi....



High five giraffe

Once upon a time, beautiful girl came to England to visit her family.

tomorrow the rest of the photos because we're going to the cinema to see You are God :)
I don't know why but I can't upload photos and publish them :( lloks like you will have to wait a little bit longer for a new post :(
sorry guys xx

Check my blog at 6pm to see the newest photos and read new post :)

See ya :*


Ciuchcia is here!

Hello :) what a happy day :)

I love my Mum! I just adore her. She bought a ticket for my cousin Klaudia:) and hue hue she’s here now. Sittin’ next to me after a long shopping ;) Klaudia also known on my blog as Ciuchcia is a big part of my life and has a special place in my heart (next to Marta who visited me in the Summer (kisses for You babe:])).
Few days in the UK is her bday present (late one but still a present) and kinda present for me ;P
We’re so close I can say she’s my pimp, I’m her hoe :P
I hope all of you have someone special who knows you better than anyone else. She’s my special dude ;)

Product placement ;)

She was like WooooW :) and guys behind us... xD

Bitch please ;)

hell yeah ;D

let's do this!

okay :D